Nutritionists have told about the danger and causes of constant hunger
Nutritionists listed the causes of a person's feeling of constant hunger. They told how dangerous it is and how the problem can be solved.
experts recommend people to carefully monitor their diet. Most often, poor nutrition provokes a feeling of constant hunger. Carbohydrate consumption must be monitored. If there is difficult, and simple in excess – a person constantly wants to eat, as satiety from nowhere. In this case, you need to diversify food and add such simple foods as potatoes and pasta.
sweet lovers face the same problem. The size of the portion and the frequency of food also also play a significant role. Often people just malnourished. Nutritionists recommend eating three times a day and at the same time 1-2 snacks between this. Those who eat more often but make portions or eat one large a day should review this habit and form another mode if they constantly want to eat and feel discomfort. Typically, stress and depression should be included in the food portion of food in a food serving. In this state, people often “eat” problems, but still there is no feeling of hunger. In this case, it is necessary to take a closer look at the process, because many simply do not notice that literally 10-15 minutes ago they have a snack, and therefore want to eat again.
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