Nutritionists have warned about the dangers of dry breakfasts

Many, due to lack of time, eat dry cereal filled with milk for breakfast. It's filling and saves time. In addition, it is believed that such a breakfast is very useful. However, nutritionists have a different opinion.

Most often, people put a lot of cereal on a plate and sometimes pour a small amount of milk over it. As nutritionist Kinita Kadakia Patel explains, this is wrong. Such a disproportion and an excess of carbohydrates can negatively affect a person's mood, especially if he is in a state of stress.

According to Dr. Uma Naidu, a psychiatrist-nutritionist from Harvard University, such a breakfast can lead to a sharp jump in sugar levels in of blood As a result, a person will find himself on a kind of emotional “roller coaster”, his mood will constantly change.

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Author: alex

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