Nutritionists have warned about the main dangers of dried fruit

Dried fruits really have a number of positive properties and in reasonable doses are good for health 'I. However, certain dangers are hidden in them, which nutritionists warn about.

Although dried fruits are called a healthy snack, they contain a significant amount of sugar, and they are also quite high in calories. In order to avoid a negative effect, it is important to use them in moderation, abuse threatens weight gain, an increased risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, there is a chance to come across dried fruits treated with sulfites, which are often present on store shelves. They are distinguished from a normal product by a more attractive shiny appearance. Usually, after drying fruits, they lose moisture and peel, so they do not always look appetizing visually.

The product also needs to be stored correctly. If it is in a humid environment, it will provoke the formation of mold. However, it does not pose a threat to health and can be washed off with water.

Experts also pointed out the advantages of dried fruits. First of all, they are very nutritious, even a small amount is enough to satiate and obtain a supply of energy. The product contains a lot of vitamins and useful substances, it is rich in antioxidants that can slow down the aging process, as well as fiber, magnesium and potassium.

Although there is a lot of sugar in dried fruits, it has a natural origin. If there is a craving for sweets, it will be more useful to snack on a date or a few prunes than a store-bought cake with a questionable composition. The product also has advantages for digestion, as it is rich in fiber and stimulates the work of the intestines. Even a minimal amount of dried fruits in the diet is enough to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Author: alex

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