Nutritionists have warned of the dangers of skipping breakfast
Breakfast is called the main meal of the day. However, there are those who deliberately skip the morning ritual. Nutritionists told what this can lead to.
Increased risk of diseases
According to Christy King, senior clinical dietitian at Texas Children's Hospital, those who habitually skipped breakfast were found to have “a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a higher risk of obesity due to insulin resistance and hormone regulation, and an increased risk of heart attacks and hypertension”.
Lack of useful substances
“Breakfast is a great opportunity to get the nutrients you need from your diet, including fiber and vitamins to help you get through the day. So skipping breakfast can cause you to not consume enough of them,” warns King.
Blood sugar spikes
The nutritionist notes that skipping breakfast can affect the blood sugar level – it can simply drop. “When your blood sugar drops, it affects your mood,” says King. – This correlates with a drop in blood sugar. Your energy levels will decrease, as will your cognitive function.”
Immunity decline
When you skip breakfast, your immunity declines, says nutritionist Tehzib Lalani. “The body needs regular nutrition to maintain a healthy level of immune cells that fight infections and improve the action of fighter cells (T cells) in the body,” explains the expert.
Headaches and dizziness
A lack of fuel, such as glucose, will cause brain cells to function less, Lalani adds. “That's why you can experience headaches and dizziness when you haven't eaten for a while.”
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