Nutritionists named products that should be consumed only warm

There is a common misconception that if you follow a “cold diet” it is possible to lose weight easily and quite quickly. However, nutritionists note that this method of losing weight can cause disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

On this diet, a person eats food in a cold form so that the body spends additional calories to “warm” it. Experts report that this approach to nutrition can lead to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, there are a number of products that experts strongly recommend consuming only in warm form.

The American magazine Harper's Bazaar writes that you should refrain from eating cold protein dishes, including salads with chicken and fish. This is explained by the fact that the protein in its cold form does not remain in the digestive tract for the necessary time and does not have time to break down into amino acids.

Therefore, the food enters the intestine in an undigested form, which can cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. stomach and there is a risk of developing dysbacteriosis. At the same time, nutritionists recommend reheating any dish that was cooked in oil. Fats are difficult to break down when cold, which can cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, doctors advise to always eat food that has been cooked with heat treatment while it is still warm. The exception is fresh vegetables and fruits. However, they need to be warmed up to home temperature in advance, if they have been in the refrigerator before.

There is a rule not to combine warm food with cold, otherwise the feeling of satiety comes later, which, accordingly, leads to overeating. It is used by catering establishments that offer, for example, a hot sandwich with a cold drink. After such actions, there is a possibility of eating more than necessary. However, there is one exception.

Nutritionists note that potatoes should be consumed cold. They say that the tubers of this vegetable contain starch, which acquires its qualities only after complete cooling.

After cooling, this type is able to reach the large intestine in almost the same form. Under these conditions, it acts as a prebiotic that nourishes the intestinal microflora, after which the level of glucose in the blood normalizes, the skin is cleansed and the feeling of hunger can be controlled.

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Author: alex

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