Nutritionists named the symptoms for immediate refusal of bread

Nutritionists named the symptoms that should force a person should immediately refuse to eat bread. It turned out that the product, which is always present on the table, can harm health.

A person who notices that he is constantly gaining weight should limit the consumption of bread. Two or more servings of a product made from white flour increase the risk of developing obesity.

Avoid baking. Even one slice a week can cause high blood pressure.

Experts do not advise eating sandwiches if discomfort appears in the stomach after them. Most likely, this is how the body reacts to gluten. Abdominal pain and bloating are often among the symptoms.

Rashes on the body can say that it is time to give up baking. It turns out that 10% of people with celiac disease gradually develop dermatitis herpetiformis. At least for a while, you should forget about bread in case of prediabetes and diabetes. The problem is that there is too much sugar in store products.

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Author: alex

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