Nutritionists named three popular foods that destroy the body

If you want to stay in great shape and to remain a healthy person, it is important to pay close attention to nutrition. A team of several nutritionists told which products are better to give up if you don't want to destroy your body.

Flakes for breakfast

This item may surprise many. For many people, cereal is a good and healthy breakfast option. However, according to nutritionist Alicia Galvin, most of these products contain sugar, artificial sweeteners and colors.

“A typical serving can contain up to 12 grams of sugar, which is about one tablespoon of granulated sugar,” Galvin notes. . “And what about protein and fiber? Only about two grams of each, depending on the brand.”

Galvin advises reading the label before buying a big box. Make sure that the amount of sugar is minimal, but there is enough fiber and protein.

Fruit juices and smoothies

Fruit juice, bottled smoothies or even sweetened tea with ice can be just as harmful as sodas. And the potential negative effects go far beyond tooth decay and weight gain.

According to nutritionist Diana Gariglio-Clelland, there is a link between sugary drinks and the risk of cardiovascular disease, which increases the likelihood of heart attack and stroke. .

Grilled meat

According to nutritionist and doctor Holly Klamer, you can minimize the damage in several ways: choose leaner meat, which requires less cooking time.

“Before putting the meat on the grill, properly marinate it. The marinade acts as an additional protective layer and also shortens the cooking time,” emphasizes Klamer.

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Author: alex

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