Nutritionists recommended a fruit every day for intestinal health
Fruit consumption from southern countries on a daily basis will help improve intestinal health, as a new study by American scientists has shown. They knew about the many beneficial properties of the product, but its effect on the gastrointestinal system was still little studied.
Experts found that in people who ate avocados every day, the level of gut microbes that break down increased fiber and produce metabolites. These substances support the health of one of the most important organs.
Avocado also reduces the amount of bile acids and increases the content of healthy fats. 163 people participated in the study. One group of volunteers ate avocado instead of any meal. Scientists also found that in this category of participants, the body was cleansed of more fat.
Experts noted that the fruit contains about 12 g of fiber – a person needs 28-34 g per day. Many people, doctors explain, use insufficient amount of a substance that normalizes the work of the intestines.
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