Nutritionists talked about the ability of plums to protect against diabetes and cancer
Nutritionists agree that seasonal fruits and vegetables are very useful for human health. Each of them has a certain effect on the body. Plums, for example, are able to protect against diabetes, inflammation and cancer.
According to the results of clinical studies, regular consumption of prunes can be expected to normalize blood pressure and reduce the level of so-called bad cholesterol. In addition, the product prevents diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
According to nutritionists, plums are rich in antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals and reduce the level of oxidative stress. Polyphenols present in dried fruits are an anti-inflammatory agent, which in turn reduces the risk of cancer.
In another study, scientists proved that prunes increase the feeling of satiety, and therefore it is easier for a person to control his weight, excluding the appearance of obesity. and diabetes.
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