Nutritionists talked about the main eating habits that disrupt the work of the intestines
Nutritionists Lassie Lakatos and Tammy Lakatos Shames talked about the main habits that disrupt the work of the intestine. First of all, the speed of eating is important.
As the experts explained, if a person eats quickly, he deprives his digestive system of the time needed to secrete the enzymes needed to break down food. As a result, such unpleasant symptoms as bloating, heartburn, and diarrhea appear.
Another eating habit that disrupts the work of the intestines, nutritionists called the consumption of a large amount of sugar. Sweets have a negative effect on the microbiome and this leads to an increase in the risk of inflammatory processes.
The intestine also suffers when a person does not consume enough vegetables, because the dietary fibers contained in them contribute to the strengthening of the mucous membrane of the organ, as well as the growth of beneficial bacteria.
In order to avoid problems with the work of the specified organ of the digestive system, you should not have a snack “on the go”, noted nutritionists. They explained: in this case, the body feels stressed, as a result of which food remains in the intestine for a long time – and bacteria begin to multiply in it.
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