Nutritionists told what foods you should eat for breakfast
Dietitians warn that you should eat only the right foods for breakfast. You need to choose foods that do not irritate the stomach, otherwise eating will not benefit the body, but harm it.
Many people try to eat a lot in the morning, stocking up on energy for the whole working day. Dietitians assure that this is the right decision, but many people choose the wrong foods for breakfast, which is often harmful to their health. Experts do not advise drinking coffee for breakfast on an empty stomach, as this can provoke the development of gastritis and even ulcers. Sweets on an empty stomach can also be dangerous, as they can increase blood sugar levels. You should avoid smoked and spicy foods, as well as acidic foods, including oranges.
According to nutritionists, you should have breakfast with whole grain bread with low-fat butter, cereals with milk and cottage cheese. You can afford eggs, both boiled and fried, as well as fruits and vegetables.
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