Nutritionists told when potatoes become a dangerous dish
Potatoes are one of the most popular root vegetables. They are a versatile product that can be an independent dish, a side dish, and even a filling. However, some people are afraid of the excessive calorie content of potatoes, since their main component is starch.
In fact, potatoes contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, such as fiber, potassium, vitamins C and B6, and vegetable protein.
A lot depends on how and when you eat potato dishes. For example, if you eat a portion of hot, freshly cooked mashed potatoes, your blood sugar can really spike. The thing is that in cooked potatoes, the starch turns into glucose, but only at the moment when the dish is just taken off the stove.
If you give potatoes time to cool, the starch in them will turn into type 3 starch. This component is similar to soluble and insoluble fiber. It, in turn, is not absorbed so quickly, so sugars from such starch will not enter the bloodstream. Instead, resistant starch will end up in the intestines, where it will break down under the influence of beneficial bacteria and become a prebiotic. This element will improve the condition of the intestinal microflora, preventing such dangerous diseases as irritable bowel syndrome and even cancer.
Nutritionists recommend combining potatoes with dietary products such as boiled chicken or lean fish. You should also not abuse fried potatoes, as a large amount of such food leads to exacerbation of inflammatory processes. In addition, fried potatoes have a negative effect on memory and brain function.
The same applies to french fries. Its frequent use can lead to problems with the digestive system and other internal organs. The so-called advanced glycation end products are formed in the heated oil. With age, they accumulate in the body and provoke inflammatory processes inside the cells. This leads to early aging of the body and internal organs.
Experts recommend baking or boiling potatoes, adding fresh vegetables and a small amount of low-calorie protein food. Such a lunch will be useful and nutritious and will not lead to weight gain or the development of dangerous diseases.
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