Nuts and seeds will protect against premature death

Include nuts, seeds and plant-based foods more often in your snacks oils It reduces the risk of premature death by about 10%.

Consumption of large amounts of nuts, seeds and vegetable oils can reduce the risk of premature death, as Iranian scientists have found.

They conducted a meta-analysis of dozens of studies over 30 years that studied the relationship between diet and time of death. The researchers were particularly interested in the effects of alpha-linoleic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid found in plants such as soybeans and sunflower seeds.

The results showed that taking large amounts of this element (approximately 1.6 g per day) people were 10% less likely to die from any cause compared to those who consumed the lowest amount (about 0.7 g).

Also, among people on diets high in acid-rich foods had the lowest mortality from heart disease.

For every additional 1 g of alpha-linoleic acid per day, roughly equivalent to one tablespoon of canola oil, the risk of death from cardiovascular disease was reduced by 5%, according to the researchers.

However, a meta-analysis also showed that consuming a large amount of this acid is associated with an increased risk of death from cancer. So the researchers are encouraged to conduct additional study of this issue in order to decide on the final recommendations later. 

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Author: alex

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