Obesity after the age of 60 threatens fertility problems
Men over 60 years of age suffering from obesity, has a reduced sperm count compared to their slimmer peers. Scientists from the University of Utah came to this conclusion.
The presence of large amounts of excess weight after 60 reduces the number of sperm, as shown by a study of American scientists. They evaluated 44,000 cells from the testicles involved in sperm production in 8 men aged 60 to 72, as well as four in a younger age group just over 20.
More mature men with a healthy weight showed only a slight reduction in their ability to produce sperm compared to young men. But obese men were found to have a very limited ability to continue producing healthy germ cells.
The study authors did not speculate as to why obese men have a reduced sperm count. However, previous studies have suggested that it may be related to low testosterone or warmer testicles.
In the US, approximately 40% of Americans, or 138 million people, are obese. Sperm count declines with age, reaching its peak at age 17 and remaining high until 40-45.
This level among American men has been steadily declining since the 1970s, a similar pattern is observed in Europe and Australia. The exact reasons have not been identified, but scientists have repeatedly suggested that it is related to the increase in average body weight.
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