Obesity kills more people than smoking

Problems with excess weight are now more likely to result in premature death than use tobacco products, as the study showed. The world is gripped by a passion for American fast food, which has no health benefits but harm.

The Western food culture, which includes a huge amount of fatty, floury, containing a lot of harmful components of products like hamburgers , hot dogs and French fries has captured the whole world.

Even in countries that have carefully preserved their own food culture, such as Japan and China, obesity epidemics are now being noted, as local residents are increasingly going to fast food network The same can be seen in Ukraine. Experts from the University of Glasgow estimated that in Scotland the number of deaths caused by smoking fell from 23% overall to 19%.

During the same period, deaths from causes caused by obesity increased from 17.9 % to 23.1%. In this way, for the first time in history, being overweight kills more people in Scotland than smoking. Of course, the situation in Ukraine has not yet changed so radically, since we have much more smokers. But even here, obesity also invades the lives of citizens, destroying their health and shortening life expectancy.

Experts remind that the human body is not adapted to the constant transfer of large amounts of excess weight. Because of this, the heart works with increased load and wears out faster. A lot of cholesterol enters the blood, the arteries harden and clog.

Obesity accelerates the natural aging process of the body, increases the risk of malignant neoplasms. Victims of obesity do not move much, which leads to a host of other health problems. Such people have weak bones.

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Author: alex

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