Office plankton: what health problems does working in the office lead to?
Everyone knows that working in an office leads to health problems. These are back pain, stress, insomnia. But the list is not limited to this. Here is a large list of health problems that sedentary work leads to.
Shortening of life
A sedentary lifestyle can lead to a shorter lifespan. About 86% of office workers sit at work all day and do not even get up to exercise or simply stretch their muscles. This is extremely harmful to health. After all, because of this, the risk of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, obesity and others increases. Therefore, it is extremely important to get up at least once an hour for a few minutes to stretch.
Insomnia, high cholesterol and depression
This is what a long commute to work leads to, scientists have found. They said that if a person has to travel more than 16 kilometers, their cholesterol and blood sugar levels may increase. The risk of depression and stress also increases. This applies not only to personal cars, but also to public transport. The level of life satisfaction of people who use it is much lower than that of those who travel by their own car. But those who use bicycles are practically free from such risks.
Deterioration in productivity
There is a term called “Unhealthy Building Syndrome”. It is actively used by the Environmental Protection Agency. It means a condition that “people experience when they spend a long time in a building, in the absence of any diseases or other reasons”. But if the room has good ventilation, low levels of air pollution, then the brain will work much more actively.
People who work more than 55 hours a week are at risk of having apoplexy. This risk haunts 33% of people.
Bad habits
Another researcher linked the formation of bad habits to bad bosses. In addition, for the same reason, the risk of heart problems is created. There is also a high probability of other problems – depression, insomnia, high blood pressure, obesity.
Weight gain
This health problem most often threatens people who adhere to a sedentary lifestyle, and also work mainly in the evenings or on a flexible schedule. Such people have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
Vision impairment
It's no secret that spending a lot of time at a computer leads to poor eyesight. This is often called a symptom of “computer vision syndrome.” It occurs in more than 60% of people who work in an office. Be sure to use the 20-20-6 rule. Every 20 minutes of work, you should look at a certain object located six meters away. This will allow your eyes to rest.
Risk of stroke
Another health problem that office work leads to. A factor in the development of stroke and other heart problems is boredom at work. Agree that working in an office can be boring. But scientists were able to calculate that among people who feel bored at work, many are at risk of having a stroke.
Bacteria and Infection
Experts from Arizona once conducted an interesting experiment. They placed a virus that could not be infected by humans in a building and tracked its movement around the office. It took him just two hours to get into the kitchen, toilets, individual offices and workplaces. Telephones, desks and computers (in particular, the keyboard) are considered the most contagious. At the same time, researchers do not think that disinfection can help.
Frequently of diseases
About 70% of American offices have already abandoned the office system in favor of open space. But the thing is that this type of work does not contribute to a healthy atmosphere in the team in the literal sense of the word. In regular offices, the number of sick days is 62% lower than in open spaces.
Back pain
This health problem is taken extremely seriously. Pain is caused not only by the fact that people sit more often, but also by the fact that women in offices wear heels more often.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
The same hand movements can lead to injuries and pain. After all, the wrist is under tension due to repetitive movements, prolonged awkward hand positions, and constant pressure on a hard surface. You can avoid problems with the help of a special wrist rest or various exercises to relieve tension.
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