On the stomach, back or side? Your sleeping position says a lot about your health
Sleeping on your back, stomach, side or sleeping in the fetal position – everyone has their own preferred sleeping position. And this is not accidental, but may indicate health problems.
The bed industry has long responded and offers the right support at night time with special pillows for sleeping on the side and pillows for sleeping on the stomach and back. The side position is the most popular sleeping position, followed by the back position and the stomach position in third place.
Typically, we choose the most frequently used sleeping position unconsciously – but not by accident. Sleeping position says a lot about the state of health and, in turn, can affect it.
Right or left side?
Those who sleep on their right side often have stomach problems. This is because stomach acid can easily back up into the esophagus. In addition, this sleeping position makes it difficult for the pancreas to work because the stomach puts pressure on it.
This is why people who prefer to sleep on their left side often have healthy and regular digestion – and often less problems with heart Because our main artery is curved to the left, and in this sleeping position, blood can be pumped upwards more easily. People who sleep on their left side have a clear advantage.
Sleep in the fetal position
The position of the embryo with bent arms and legs, which at first glance seems so relaxed, is often associated with pain in the neck and back. In addition, the tendency to roll over makes it difficult to take a deep breath due to pressure on the organs.
Lying on the back – the risk of snoring and often dangerous pauses in breathing
Lying on your back is associated with high health risks. Because it often causes snoring. When you sleep, your throat muscles relax. If the sleeper also lies on his back, the tongue may retreat a little into the pharynx and the airways will narrow. Breath clearly passes through this narrow place. You can hear snoring.
People who sleep on their back and like to support their head and neck with high pillows often have heart and lung problems. This sleeping position facilitates the work of the heart and lungs.
On the stomach
Sleeping on the stomach relieves the load on the intervertebral discs and supports the natural curvature of the spine. Therefore, anyone who has problems with the lumbar vertebrae will be happy to choose this sleeping position. However, studies show it can also indicate a problem with alcohol. According to this, people who drink a lot of alcohol often sleep with their face buried in the pillow.
This sleeping position also carries a small, albeit cosmetic, risk: wrinkles can form on the face night.
The main thing is flexibility
You change your position several times during the night, so you become a so-called “flexible sleeper” – this will ensure the healthiest sleep.
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