Oncologist: dangerous birthmarks appear on certain parts of the body

Appearance of moles on certain parts of the body is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

The oncologist said that if a person notices a mole, then it appears, then it disappears in its place, this does not mean that it is dangerous.

“Nevi are located in the deep layers of the skin, and during life they can rise to the surface or go back,” the doctor explained.

The oncologist specified that nevi or birthmarks are “programmed” in a person by genetics, and also depend on changes hormonal balance.

As for moles that are potentially dangerous in terms of possible skin cancer, you need to pay attention to their localization.

“Nevi should not be on the feet, palms and mucous membrane.”


According to the doctor, formations that appear on these areas of the skin require removal – you must consult a specialist with them. In addition, it is necessary to examine a birthmark that has changed its shape, has become unevenly colored, covered with a crust, painful.

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Author: alex

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