Oncologist named proven ways to reduce the risk of developing cancer
A healthy lifestyle helps people reduce the risk of cancer. You should also try to avoid carcinogen sources, including chemical production, overloaded highways. The oncologist has told this in the press. One such way is to control body weight. According to the scientist, overweight has proven to increase the risks of various “female” types of cancer: tumors of the mammary glands, the body of the uterus, ovaries. Not only women but also in men can increase the likelihood of contracting colon, pancreas, kidneys, stomach, liver. He noted that this habit helps to penetrate into the body carcinogenic substances, detrimental to the lungs, lips, larynx, bladder, blood cells. Accordingly, the control of used meat and sausage will increase the chances of avoiding oncology. According to the scientist, the use of alcohol adversely affects the condition of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and digestive organs, and can also affect the cells of organs that do not interact directly with alcohol.
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