Oncologists have told what symptoms can warn about pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is often diagnosed too late. The fact is that it is quite difficult to see during routine examinations, and specific symptoms are rare.

Experts from Cancer Research UK talked about the signs that can indicate one of the most insidious oncological diseases – pancreatic cancer. This disease is characterized by a high degree of lethality, partly because characteristic symptoms appear already when metastases spread, and early diagnosis is complicated by the location of the pancreas, which is “closed” by other organs.

Therefore, British doctors advise paying attention to atypical symptoms, which at first glance are not related to the digestive organs. It is these symptoms that can help detect pancreatic cancer at an early stage.

One of these symptoms is the feeling of a cold. Patients periodically suddenly feel as if they have a cold. A slight temperature rises, general malaise, chills, tremors, weakness are observed. After some time, this condition passes on its own or is removed by cold remedies. At the same time, there is no worsening of the condition characteristic of SARS. As explained by oncologists, such a condition can be triggered by an inflammatory process associated with a tumor of the pancreas.

Among the more rare early symptoms may be itchy skin and rash, intestinal problems, dull pain in the lower abdomen, rapid satiety while eating, orange urine.

Oncologists noted that all these symptoms do not necessarily mean pancreatic cancer, but only a doctor can make a diagnosis. If something bothers you, you should not postpone your visit for an examination.

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Author: alex

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