Oncologists: how to recognize lung cancer by the face

Oncologists told about some signs of lung cancer that can appear on the face. According to them, during the development of this disease, the face begins to sweat in a peculiar way and the shape of the eyes changes. , or right). Doctors warn that this sign can be caused by other factors, such as aging.

Also, a sign of lung damage can be a decrease in the pupil. The fact is that a large number of nerves that affect the condition of the eyes pass through the upper part of the lungs. When a tumor compresses nerves, they change the conduction of signals, which can cause the pupil (or both pupils) to shrink, according to a study by British doctors. another.

As previously reported, lung cancer remains the most common cancer, both in terms of morbidity and mortality. The main cause of its appearance is smoking, scientists note.

Lung cancer is very insidious, as it is almost asymptomatic in the initial stages. Later, a slight increase in temperature (up to 37.5), chronic fatigue and weight loss is added. In the later stages, there is chest pain (due to the growing tumor) and bouts of coughing up blood.

Smoking is known to lead to fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. Smoking causes 84% ​​of lung cancer deaths and 83% of COPD deaths.

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Author: alex

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