Oncology: This habit reduces the risk of 13 types of cancer

Not all cancers are preventable , but there are proven ways to reduce the risk. There are some known risk factors, although having one or more risk factors does not necessarily mean you will get cancer. According to the NHS, around one in two people will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime.

“Keeping active can help you lose or maintain a healthy weight, which reduces the risk of 13 different types of cancer.”

For example, if you exercise a lot, it can help prevent breast and bowel cancer.

“Sitting or lying down for a long time during the day is bad for our health. Even people who exercise can spend too much time without movement during the rest of the day. It is not yet clear whether prolonged sitting or lying down can increase the risk of developing cancer. This is an area of ​​research that is still evolving. Most studies did not fully account for weight or physical activity.”

Evidence linking higher physical activity with lower cancer risk comes mainly from observational studies in which people report their physical activity and observed over many years to diagnose cancer.

Although observational studies cannot prove a causal relationship, when studies in different populations produce similar results and when a possible causal mechanism exists, it indicates a causal relationship.

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Author: alex

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