One glass of the popular drink a day can reduce the risk of heart disease

< p>Scientists have discovered new beneficial properties of milk, and also refuted the connection between this drink and the level of cholesterol in the body. According to a study, just one glass of milk every day can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Experts from the University of Reading and other scientific institutions in Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand studied information about the health status of about two million people.< /p>

It turned out that those who regularly drank milk were 14% less likely to develop coronary heart disease. In addition, milk drinkers had lower levels of both “good” and “bad” cholesterol, although their body mass index was higher on average than non-milk drinkers.

It was believed that if you drink milk regularly, the level of cholesterol increases, which can block arteries and lead to heart attacks or strokes. But this has now been disproved.

In addition, high dairy products in the diet are often associated with obesity, diabetes, or other conditions that affect metabolism. However, the authors of the new study note: there is no evidence that milk increases the likelihood of diabetes.

Moreover, more and more scientific evidence is now emerging that reveals the benefits of dairy products. 

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Author: alex

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