One of the easiest ways to avoid hypertension
You can reduce your chances of developing symptoms of hypertension, including high blood pressure, if you regularly do simple yoga at home – this is one of the easiest ways to avoid the development of this disease, experts from Blood Pressure UK (Great Britain) state.
According to experts, yoga is one of the most effective natural remedies for high blood pressure. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, puts extra strain on blood vessels and vital organs: this condition can lead to fatal complications, including stroke and heart attacks.
“One of the easiest ways to avoid hypertension is to do yoga regularly. This improves the quality of breathing, promotes relaxation, which affects the reduction of blood pressure. Some patients can also reduce the risk of heart disease,” said Blood Pressure UK.
According to the organization's experts, six clinical trials involving 394 people suffering from hypertension showed that regular yoga for 8-12 weeks can reduce high blood pressure by an average of 4.59/3.65 points.
“There are many forms of yoga, some less demanding and difficult. Practicing these exercises can benefit even beginners,” experts note.
At the same time, they advise patients with hypertension to avoid certain types of physical activity. For example, avoid lifting heavy objects – this activity creates an unnecessary load on the heart and blood vessels, provokes jumps in blood pressure.
Doctors remind us that hypertension is characterized by an asymptomatic course – signs of pathology usually appear only with very high blood pressure pressure People over the age of 40 should have their blood pressure checked regularly, regardless of how they feel.
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