One tablet for treating orchids, and there will be twice as many flowers

Great news for orchid owners. If you were dissatisfied with the number of flowers on the peduncle, there is an opportunity to increase it. Budding will improve if you treat the orchid with this powerful, but budget-friendly product. What is the secret, read further in the post.

How to treat an orchid

A florist should definitely have such a product in their first aid kit. Buy it at a pharmacy and stock up. Periodically, orchids need to be treated with it by spraying.

Of course, we are talking about succinic acid. It is a powerful growth stimulant, starts vegetative processes and has a positive effect on both planting material and adult plants. By the way, not only orchids like treatment with succinic acid.

How to use

You only need one tablet. Dissolve it first in hot water, and then stir in a total capacity of 5 liters of water. Spray the orchids. If you want to stimulate it to bloom, then treat it once every 1-2 weeks. To maintain the general condition of the plant, you can spray it once a month.

Read also:

Prophylactic agent for treating balcony plants from aphids and scale insects

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Author: alex

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