Only two products were found to be capable of shortening life

A little sweet treat won't hurt your health. In fact, if you follow simple rules when it comes to desserts, you can quite successfully fit them even into a “healthy” diet.

However, the reason desserts get a bad rap is because of the high amount of sugar they contain. In particular, foods sold in stores do not have much nutritional value and can easily become life-shortening foods. Experts explained why the consumption of large amounts of sugar negatively affects longevity.

Causes chronic diseases

In general, there are many foods that contain sugar. Moreover, it is not only about baked goods, fruits and vegetables are an excellent example of that. Many of them contain natural sugar, also known as fructose. According to doctors, such desserts not only do no harm, but also provide the body with necessary vitamins.

Added sugar is another matter. It is found in all kinds of products, which many people do not suspect. Even low-fat foods that seem healthy are high in sugar, which makes them taste good

“Sugar and processed foods shorten your life because they promote inflammation in the body. And inflammation, in turn, causes diseases,” said Dr. Jamie Faith.

“[Added sugars] can be found in almost every processed food, usually in the form of high-fructose corn syrup,” says nutritionist Talia Segal Fiedler. She noted that a diet high in sugar is linked to inflammation, obesity and type 2 diabetes. These conditions lead to many other chronic health problems, including heart disease, cancer, dementia and hormonal imbalances.

The Most Harmful Foods

Although there are many products loaded with sugar on store shelves (including many people's favorite breakfast cereals), there are two of the most harmful, which nutritionists pay special attention to: soda and candy.

Fizzy drinks have no nutritional value and are are pure empty calories, doctors warned. As for sweets, they can shorten your life if you eat them regularly. The fact is that it is essentially a fast-dissolving sugar that leads to weight gain, insulin resistance, and fat deposits on various organs with all the ensuing consequences.

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Author: alex

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