Original breading for fried fish if you run out of wheat flour
Delicious to fry fish it is possible without flour. Do not be in a hurry to refuse a delicious meal if it is over. In cooking, most products can be substituted. And the dish sometimes even becomes better because of this.
How to replace flour
Wheat flour is most often used for breading fish. Try to fry it instead with semolina or with corn, oat, or rice flour. The crispy crust of the appetizing fish is provided.
Cooks suggest improving semolina by adding spices and greens. Dill, coriander, paprika, and thyme go well with fish. Grind and mix with cereal.
You can bread the fish in breadcrumbs. Aerobatics when they are homemade and made from dried out pieces of bread. Their quality and taste cannot be compared with store-bought ones.
Fish should be placed on a well-heated pan. When laying out the fish, a crust will form on it. With a cold pan, this effect is not so pronounced.
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