Pancreatic cancer: 7 signs that are important to be able to notice

People, People with pancreatic cancer are prone to digestive problems, including loss of appetite, indigestion, and nausea.

Pancreatic cancer is known to be one of the most difficult to recognize – it does not cause outwardly noticeable symptoms in the early stages. . According to Pancreatic Cancer UK, common symptoms include abdominal and back pain, unexplained weight loss, and stomach upset. Most often, pancreatic cancer occurs in the elderly, but this does not mean that young people are not prone to it.

As with other types of cancer, certain factors increase the risk of developing malignant neoplasms in the pancreas. Doctors state that the risk of their appearance is closely related to smoking: cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco – all this increases it. Almost every third pancreatic cancer can be caused by this bad habit, scientists believe.

Other risk factors are alcohol abuse, overweight, diabetes. Pancreatic cancer can also sometimes be inherited.

Oncologists remind: there are several warning signs that are important to be able to notice. Their occurrence is a serious reason to check with a doctor.

  • If your back or stomach started to hurt and do not go away, it may be caused by a tumor. Depending on its location, it can press on nerves or organs near the pancreas.
  • Feeling very bloated can also be a sign. In some cases, fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.
  • Digestive problems, such as loss of appetite, indigestion, and nausea, are also common in people with pancreatic cancer.
  • If the cancer the digestive system suffers, involuntary weight loss occurs.
  • Eyes or skin turn yellow – this is a sign of accumulation of bilirubin, bile, the outflow of which is blocked by the tumor. In addition, there is itching of the skin.
  • The chair changes. Pancreatic cancer patients often have problems: they suffer from diarrhea or constipation.
  • In the absence of excess weight and bad habits, a person can be diagnosed with diabetes, in diabetics, the disease, which is usually well controlled, suddenly worsens.

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Author: alex

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