Pauses before answers reduce the degree of trust

American psychologists came to an interesting conclusion that if before the answer if a person pauses on some question, the degree of trust of his interlocutor decreases. In our subconscious, truthful people answer all questions without hesitation.

The American Psychological Association conducted an interesting study that showed that the longer there are pauses in a conversation with a certain person, the less trust people feel in him.


If someone thinks for a long time about how best to answer this or that question, even at the subconscious level, faith in his words decreases. Most people believe that honest people do not think about their answers, but liars need to come up with an appropriate version.

Its authors emphasize that assessing the sincerity of our interlocutors is the most important part of social communication. And now it has been proven that the speed of answering questions is also extremely important for assessing a person's sincerity. The study consisted of a series of experiments involving more than 7,500 residents of the United States, Great Britain, and France.

Volunteers either listened to audio messages and watched videos, or read accounts of people who answered simple questions such as: whether they like cakes made by friends and whether they have stolen money at work. In each scenario, the response time was different – from instant to a ten-second pause. And then the volunteers had to rate the sincerity of the interlocutors on a special scale.

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Author: alex

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