Pay attention to your armpits: doctors have named five early symptoms of diabetes
Doctors have named five symptoms by which you can identify diabetes in its early stages.
The first of these is skin changes in the groin area, armpits, and neck. You should check your sugar level if there is darkening of the skin in these places.
You should also consult a doctor if you have disorders of the genitourinary system and sudden bloody discharge. They may be associated with damage to blood vessels.
The third dangerous symptom is excessively vivid dreams, and the fourth is increased sweating during sleep. The fifth signal is slow wound healing. Abrasions begin to regenerate more slowly due to the reduced amount of oxygen in the blood, which is caused by the onset of diabetes.
As you know, diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases. It has an endocrinological nature and consists in insufficient insulin production.
Frequent fatigue, loss of weight and muscle mass, thirst and diuresis may indicate the onset of type 1 diabetes, which occurs in childhood.
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