Pears improve protection against diabetes and cancer
A number of effects are associated with the consumption of pears, which improve health, including maintenance of a healthy weight and prevention of type 2 diabetes – the well-known foreign nutritionist Julie Upton said in her publication.
The expert states that one medium-sized pear provides the body with almost a quarter of the amount of fiber which he should receive in a day. Thanks to fiber, the feeling of satiety will last longer, and digestion works more actively, which promotes weight loss and prevents excess weight.
Also, writes nutritionist Julie Upton, pears improve protection against the development of diabetes.
“Partly because of their high fiber content, pears have a low glycemic index. According to research, people who eat pears and apples are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes,” the expert informed.
Other useful properties of pears. According to Upton, the composition of pears is characterized by a high content of flavonoids – antioxidant substances that have the ability to neutralize free radicals and thereby reduce inflammation. As a product that fights inflammation, pears are extremely good for the blood vessels and the heart – while reducing the likelihood of not only cardiovascular disease, but also “certain types of cancer.”
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