People get sick three times more often: scientists have named a new danger of appendicitis

Parkinson's disease, also called shaking palsy, is three times more likely to occur in patients with a removed appendix. This pattern proves the connection between the intestines and diseases of the nervous system.

Scientists studied the medical histories of more than 62.2 million patients. This was the largest study of its kind.

Among 488,190 patients with an already removed appendix, 4,470 were diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, i.e. 0.92% of cases developed this abnormality after surgery.

Among other patients who did not have surgery, Parkinson's disease was diagnosed in 177,230 cases, i.e. only 0.29%. Thus, the disease occurred almost three times more often in people without an appendix.

The lead author of the study, a doctor from the University of Cleveland Clinic, Mohamed Sheriff, noted that all recent studies of Parkinson's disease have focused on alpha-synuclein, a protein of the gastrointestinal tract.

In this regard, scientists have deepened their studies studying the connection between the appendix and the development of shaking palsy.

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Author: alex

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