People of the “new time”: signs of the zodiac, for whom the paths to other realities are open
Esotericists are convinced that anyone can travel to other existences, it is quite easy to learn.
Astrologers have named three signs of the zodiac that have the ability to grasp another reality, they are called people of the “fifth dimension” or “new time”.
This zodiac sign knows how to turn off his mind during meditation and trust the energies of the cosmos. Esoteric specialists and karmologists believe that these people are endowed with the ability to move from one reality to another. However, experts warn against such solo “trips”, urging to have an assistant who could bring the “traveler” back.
Astrologers explain this ability of Cancers by the fact that they are extremely emotional and intuitive people who subtly feel the energies of the universe and know how to trust their feelings.
These people have a well-developed intuition that allows them to delve into the very essence of things. And if Libras decide to find another dimension, rest assured, they will definitely do it. And how, that's another question.
They can use meditation, shamanic ritual or hypnosis for their astral travel, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that Libra will visit another reality, and then maybe write a guide for those who also want to get there.
It is easiest for this sign of the zodiac to travel to other realities. After all, they perceive this world in their own way, not like other people. Pisces do not need to make any effort to experience another existence, they intuitively find a bunch of ways there themselves.
Pisces themselves choose a convenient way to get to another reality. Therefore, they make good spiritual mentors and guides who help others “travel” in the astral.
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