People will see a sign in the sky: Molfar called the harbinger of victory in Ukraine

Molfar from the Carpathians, named Lubomyr, recently shared his prediction about when the war in Ukraine will end . According to him, everything will become clear after the appearance of a sign in the sky. This is stated in a video on the “Ukrainian Prayer Book” channel on YouTube.

According to the old man's forecast, certain heralds in the sky will indicate that the time has come for peace in Ukraine. One of them is a bright comet in the night sky over Ukraine.

He specifies that the sign will first appear in the form of a bright comet that will fly across the sky and light up the night sky.
According to him, this will be a symbol of drastic changes, a sign of the transition to a new stage of struggle.

As for those people who will see this sign, they should prepare for a difficult time, trials await them, but in under no circumstances should one lose hope.

In addition, molfar asks to pay attention to nature. According to him, another sign of a quick victory will be the appearance of birds that have not been seen on the territory of Ukraine for a long time.

The old man reports that huge flocks of birds, which have not been seen in Ukraine for several decades, will descend on the ground. They will bring with them hope and renewal and peace. Then the earth will begin to bloom with flowers of incredible beauty in the least expected places. This will be a sign of that. that the forces of nature are on the side of justice, and that the time has come for the unity of the nation.

At the same time, he emphasizes that Russia itself will start looking for ways to achieve peace. Such an insight should come to them, and the people of the aggressor country will feel the burden of the evil that the Russian Federation is nursing.

Let us remind you that on the night of May 1, a meteor probably burned up over Ukraine. Residents of Kharkiv Oblast, Sumy Oblast, Poltava Oblast and Zaporozhye saw a bright flash in the sky.

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Author: alex

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