Perfect snack: egg and cheese roll recipe

If you want a snack, but there is no time to cook something “serious”: you should choose from light, but appetizing and tasty dishes.

The ideal option for a late dinner (for those who did not get full during the main meal) is a roll made of eggs and cheese.



  • What products need to be prepared for the recipe:
  •  6 chicken eggs;
  • a large pack mayonnaise (450 grams);
  • 6-7 briquettes of melted cheese;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • tablespoons of walnuts.

How to cook:

Pour chicken eggs into a separate bowl and start beating with a whisk, then add most of the mayonnaise (about 300 grams) and continue beating.

The main stage of working with the roll is finished. All that remains is to bake it in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees until you see that the mass has browned.

By the way, for greater convenience, you should use parchment paper.

Now you need prepare the filling: grate melted cheese, mix with 150 grams of mayonnaise, finely chopped garlic and chopped walnuts.

Gradually distribute our mass on the roll, roll it up, “hide” it in cling film and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

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Author: alex

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