Physical health problems that can occur due to stress

Too much severe stress has a negative effect on our well-being and physical health.

It is believed that experiencing a little stress from time to time is not scary, even to some extent useful, because it trains the body's ability to mobilize its resources to protect health I. But if the stress is too severe, or the person is exposed to it too often or for a long time, the consequences can be devastating.

Specialists of the National Health Service announced the physical health problems that can arise due to such stress.

Heartburn. In circumstances of excitement, worries, the amount of gastric juice secreted may increase, causing a burning sensation in the chest from its rise through the esophagus. In turn, overeating and eating late at night, as well as smoking, alcohol and even taking aspirin worsen the problem, provoking the appearance of painful heartburn.

Change in the menstrual cycle (in women).An increase in the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol disrupts the delicate balance of female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone, due to which the menstrual cycle ceases to be regular. Sometimes menstruation stops altogether.

Headache. In stressful circumstances, so-called tension headaches occur, the characteristic symptom of which is an increase in discomfort during the day.

“Consult a therapist if headaches have become more frequent in the morning, or if they are accompanied by other unpleasant, painful or unexpected symptoms,” the experts shared their recommendation.

Intestinal problems. >The intestine is controlled by the autonomic system, a part of the nervous system responsible for many body functions. With an increased level of stress hormones, it activates the “fight or flight” reaction, which has been evolutionarily preserved in the human body as a way to cope with a threat, a danger to life. As a result, the digestive tract begins to work chaotically – for example, diarrhea may occur, which will be replaced by constipation.

Hair loss. Loss of more hair than usual can also be caused by stress. Under the influence of its hormones, hair follicles stop developing, telogen outflow occurs, which accelerates the natural phase of hair loss.

Insomnia. Difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings at night or too early in the morning – all this is also an indicator that the level of stress hormones in the body is exceeded.

Numb fingers. Numbness or tingling in the tips of the fingers can be caused by hyperventilation – too fast breathing. In addition, when stress affects digestion, the assimilation of useful substances, vitamins and minerals is disturbed, which also affects the occurrence of unpleasant physical sensations.

Rashes on the skin. Cortisol stimulates the skin glands. produce more oil, leading to dermatological problems. Rashes around the chin and mouth are especially characteristic of stress.

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Author: alex

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