Pickled mushrooms: quick and easy
There are many recipes for marinated mushrooms, but you have probably never made this one. They say it is called “Venezuelan-style marinated mushrooms”, but our recipe is based on Ukrainian products.
So, to prepare a delicious snack we need: 0.5 kg of mushrooms, 1 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. sugar, 50 ml of oil, 2.5 tbsp. 9% vinegar, 1 cinnamon stick, 10 black peppercorns and 3 bay leaves.
Wash and clean the mushrooms, cut the larger ones and put them in a saucepan.
Pour the marinade consisting of salt, sugar, oil, vinegar, cinnamon, black pepper and bay leaves.
Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. When the mushrooms have cooled, remove the bay leaves and transfer the mushrooms to a glass container and put in the refrigerator.
You can eat them after 4 hours! Try it, because it's quick and easy!
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