Plant these greens in the fall for an early harvest in the spring
Growing young greens you need to start from autumn. With the winter method, you can harvest 2 weeks earlier than spring crops. This is a good incentive to get spring vitamin greens on the table.
What can be planted in autumn
Prepare the soil for seeds. Please note that twice as many seeds as usual are used for winter sowing. In autumn, you can plant:
- parsley;
- dill;
- salad;
- cheremshu;
- basil;
- sorrel.
By the way, some of these crops can be grown even in a pot during the winter. You will have fresh greens all year round.
If you grew, for example, parsley in the country, you can do a trick. Dig up the root system and transplant it into a pot, take it indoors. Parsley will grow again in a week.
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