Poor appetite in women may be a symptom of ovarian cancer
Some symptoms of ovarian cancer women may notice at the dinner table.
Doctors from the British Gynae Center advised women to take changes in their appetite seriously, as they may indicate the development of a life-threatening pathology – ovarian cancer.
A feeling of rapid satiety or loss of appetite is one of the first symptoms of ovarian cancer.
Experts noted that most often these signs occur together with bloating. This may indicate that the tumor is growing and the swelling it causes is affecting other organs. Doctors also listed other possible symptoms of ovarian cancer: persistent abdominal pain, frequent urination, upset stomach, back pain, changes in bowel habits, unexplained weight loss, postmenopausal vaginal bleeding, extreme fatigue, experts said. These symptoms can occur with irritable bowel syndrome, ovarian cysts, and polycystic ovary syndrome. “If your symptoms become persistent, severe, and seem unusual, you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible,” they advised.
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