Poor people are more likely to have cancer relapse
The probability of return of malignant neoplasms is twice as high in people with little material fortune This was the conclusion of Canadian researchers from the University of Toronto.
People from poor families who have cancer are twice as likely to later experience its recurrence, as a study by Canadian scientists has shown. Experts believe that the sharp increase in the cost of living, which is noted in many developed countries, can worsen the prognosis of thousands of cancer patients and reduce their chances of a complete victory over the tumor. Lack of funds makes it difficult for them to hire caregivers, buy the right products for them, or simply pay utility bills, not to mention the cost of treatment.
In a study by Canadian scientists, 555 people with head tumors and neck It should be noted that in Canada medical services are provided free of charge to the population, which favorably distinguishes this country from the United States. Two years after the end of the initial treatment, the cancer returned in one in three patients whose total household income for the year was less than $25,000. Among those with an income of more than $65,000, the probability of recurrence was only 12%. After adjusting for other factors, it was found that cancer returns to poor patients twice as often.
According to the authors of the study, the gap in material security not only seriously worsens the overall quality of life, but also affects the effectiveness of treatment. And this somewhat undermines the justice of the proverb that money cannot buy health.
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