Popular facts about caesarean section that refute the obstetricians
caesarean section has long become the norm, but there are still many myths around this operation. Some women are afraid to give birth to children so believing in different horrors. Is it worth the risk?
in obstetric practice, caesarean section has long been used. This operation managed to overgrown with enough myths that we will try to dispel.
The experienced perinatal center Valentina Sviridova spoke about the most popular caesarean mistakes.
A common mistake. Anomalous birth activity, placental detachment, umbilical cord's loss, departure of amniotic fluid and lack of results of childbirth stimulation, as well as fetal heartbeat and a situation that threatens the uterine rupture – indications for caesarean. This is added the wrong position of the fetus, the narrow pelvis of the mother, the divergence of the rhesus factors of the mother and the fetus and some diseases of the pregnant woman. There are also a number of reasons why this operation is contraindicated. Your desire or unwillingness here has no weight.This error is based on the fact that the surgery is carried out to save a weakened baby, and it takes more time to recover. The myths of poor immunity and the sharp changes in the baby's health have no grounds. There is also no reason to be afraid of lactation violations in the mother. Milk appears exactly on time. A scar that properly healed on the uterine wall will not prevent the normal delivery of future babies. And if there is no indication for surgery, the following births will be natural. A small incision in the lower abdomen, through which surgery is performed with a planned and timely caesarean section, does not leave such noticeable traces. So there is no reason to worry about the violation of natural beauty. Happy motherhood!
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