Popular myths about eye health have been dispelled by experts

There are many mistakes about what and how to help maintain eye health. There are probably people who have tried to follow such advice and wondered why there is no result. Experts talk about the most popular myths.

Myth: carrots are the best food for the eyes

In fact: carrots, which contain provitamin A, are really good for the eyes. But fresh fruits and dark green leafy vegetables, which are high in antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins C and E, are often even better for eye health, say experts at Harvard Medical School.

Experts confirm that antioxidants can help protect the eyes from cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. But don't expect them to correct underlying vision problems like nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Myth: You need to give your eyes a break from glasses or lenses

In reality : if you need glasses or contact lenses for reading, use them. If you don't wear your glasses when they're needed, your eyes will become strained and tired.

Myth: Eye exercises will improve your vision

Actually: Exercise won't. the need for glasses. Vision depends on many factors, including the shape of the eyeball and the health of the eye tissues. And it is impossible to significantly influence these factors with the help of gymnastics for the eyes. But it helps relieve visual tension, which is certainly useful.

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Author: alex

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