Popular sandwich may increase risk of brain disease by 44%
A popular sandwich can increase the risk of developing brain diseases if you are fond of such food, scientists from the University of Leeds reported.
Dementia is a disease in the process of which a person's cognitive abilities are impaired. We haven't learned how to treat it yet, we can only slow down the process.
Experts have carried out a large-scale study. They studied the diets of 500,000 people to find out if there is a link between the development of dementia and diet.
— The prevalence of dementia is increasing worldwide, and diet as a modifiable factor may play a role. The Alzheimer's Society has warned that the number of dementia cases in the UK is predicted to rise to more than two million by 2051, — writes the lead author of the study, Huifeng Zhang.
A team of scientists found that daily consumption of 25g of processed meat was associated with a 44% increased risk of developing dementia. This is equivalent to one slice of bacon, meaning that a simple bacon sandwich can increase the risk of brain disease in the presence of other risk factors.
Since processed meat increases the risk of dementia, sausage and ham sandwiches are also dangerous from this point of view. emphasized in the study. This includes any meat delicacies.
The research team analyzed the data provided by the Biobank. The database contained detailed genetic and medical information from half a million UK participants aged 40 to 69. Data on how often the participants ate different types of meat.
Among the participants, 2,896 cases of dementia were registered during eight years of observation. Scientists have identified risk factors:
- Smoking
- Hypodynamia
- A history of stroke
- Heredity
At the same time, the risk of developing dementia due to the consumption of processed meat was the same, regardless of whether a person had a genetic predisposition to developing a brain disease or not.
It is noted that people who consumed more processed meat 'yasa also tended to smoke, be overweight and eat fewer fruits and vegetables. That is, it is about a healthy lifestyle in general and general awareness.
– Everything we do to study potential risk factors for the development of dementia will help us reduce the frequency of this painful condition. Analyzing diet is the first step in understanding whether what we eat can affect this risk, the study points out.
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