Popular treats may protect against cancer: new study

Dark chocolate contains magnesium, which , as scientists have established, plays a key role in the body's immune response to cancer. Therefore, eating this delicious product is good for your health.

Yes, research shows that eating dark chocolate can help prevent cancer. Dark chocolate can reduce the deficiency of this element in the human body, writes the Mirror. This conclusion was reached by the publication thanks to another study.

One of the co-authors of the work, Professor Christoph Hess from the University of Basel in Switzerland, concluded that low levels of magnesium in the blood are associated with rapid cancer progression and shorter patient survival. The results of this study showed that immunotherapy treatment for cancer was less effective in people with insufficient levels of this mineral.

“To confirm this observation clinically (in patients), we are now looking for ways to increase the magnesium content in tumors in a targeted manner,” Hess noted.

It should be noted that dark chocolate is one of the foods rich in magnesium, which provides almost a full daily supply of this mineral in a 100-gram portion.

“Dark chocolate is not only tasty, but also very useful. It is rich in magnesium, which makes it a perfect treat. Most people don't have enough magnesium, enough of it can help with stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders. It's also rich in iron, copper, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus, as well as fiber, antioxidants, and plant compounds like polyphenols and flavanols that are good for your overall health,” said Sarah Brooks, a nutritionist at the Center for Autoimmune Diseases.

Brooks also noted that for consumption, you need to choose dark chocolate without milk and refined sugar – only in this case it will benefit your health.

“It is best to choose bars with raw content cocoa ingredient over 70%, which is a key factor. You can also make drinks like hot chocolate with cocoa powder,” Brooks said.

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Author: alex

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