Possible cancer: doctors named the symptoms that women should not ignore

Women are more prone to certain types of cancer than men, such as thyroid cancer.

Medical statistics say that cancer symptoms are often missed or ignored unless they are serious or dangerous. Doctors named signs that should not be ignored by women, who suffer from certain types of cancer more often than men.

Changes in the work of the intestines.Abdominal bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or a feeling of incomplete emptying – this can hint at colorectal cancer. But these symptoms are common among women of the weaker sex: they appear depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle and occur periodically in women throughout their lives up to the onset of menopause.

What is important: you should notice how long the uncomfortable symptoms last – if they become persistent, they cannot be ignored, they must be examined.

Abdominal bloating. This well-known phenomenon to women can be a warning sign of ovarian cancer.

What's important: A feeling of bloatedness, pressure that occurs in the direction from the pubic bone to the chest, lasting more than two weeks, is a serious reason to visit a doctor. Ovarian cancer can also cause this weight gain.

Bleeding. Vaginal bleeding after menopause or between periods, as well as heavy and prolonged menstrual cycles, are considered abnormal. It is dangerous to ignore such a symptom, its appearance is associated with the development of tumors.

A lump on the neck. Research shows that thyroid cancer is one of the fastest growing forms of cancer in women – you should not forget, this disease is three times more common in women than in men.

What is important: women should notice lumps and bumps on the front of the neck and not ignore them.

Not 'obvious weight loss.' Women, as a rule, are happy to lose weight, but unfortunately, this is a sign of cancer – in particular, liver and colon cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, pancreatic cancer.

What is important : if you notice a decrease in weight that occurs outside of any connection with food or physical activity, you should contact a medical institution.

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Author: alex

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