Potato cake with potatoes and cheese: for those who are not “friends” with dough
2. The onion is finely chopped and fry on a frying pan. Put the pan on the fire, add more than half butter to the onion, sugar and fry the onion until gold.
3. From the boiled potatoes, pour water and, in a convenient way for you, grind the potatoes into a puree, leaving no lumps. To the kneaded potatoes, spread the fried onions, salt and pepper – to taste, add sour cream. 2 eggs beat and pour into potatoes. Mix the puree thoroughly. If desired, chopped herbs can be added to the puree.
4. Grease the baking form with oil.
5. A large sheet of thin pita bread is placed in the prepared form so that we have the sides on three sides, and on the fourth side the pita bread was so size that it is enough to cover the entire pie from above, forming the top crust.
6. On the decomposed pita bread, spread the mashed potatoes and flatten it, filling the shape evenly. On the puree we put a letter of pita bread, the size of which corresponds to the size of the form.
7. Solid cheese tremos on a large grater. Sprinkle with grated cheese, which was put on a mashed potato.
8. The prepared pie is covered with the hanging side of the pita bread, gently filling the edges between the shape and the cake.
9. Beat the egg with milk and grease the top of the cake with this mixture.
10. Bake the cake at medium temperature to a blush.
11. Grease the finished hot pie with butter and send it to the oven to cool.
12. Remove the warm pie from the mold, cut into pieces and serve on the table.
you have a pleasant appetite to you!
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