Potatoes can increase the risk of three dangerous diseases, doctors said
Potatoes are present in the diet of almost every person, but an excess of this product can pose a health risk. Problems may arise primarily due to the high content of carbohydrates in this vegetable.
The root vegetable has a high glycemic index, which means that the body quickly absorbs carbohydrates, then the blood rises sharply, after which the level of sugar and insulin drops. Rapid breakdown into glucose increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In addition, due to the high food glycemic load, a person soon begins to feel hunger again, which can lead to overeating.
In the long term, a diet high in potatoes and similar high-carbohydrate foods may contribute to the development of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
The latter is of particular concern to scientists. The authors of the study tracked the diet and lifestyle of 120,000 men and women for 20 years. It has been studied how small changes in food choices contribute to weight gain over time.
Scientists found that people who increased their consumption of potatoes – baked and fried, as well as mashed potatoes – gained more weight over time – an average of 1.5 and 0.5 kg, respectively, over four years compared to the control group. At the same time, people who reduced their intake of these foods gained less weight.
In addition, potatoes may pose a risk of cardiovascular disease due to their effects on blood pressure. Researchers from Harvard Medical School studied the data of more than 187 thousand men and women. They compared the indicators of people who had less than one portion of mashed, baked or boiled potatoes per month, and those who ate four or more portions per week.
Scientists found that the second group was at risk of high blood pressure. its pressure is 11% higher than that of the first. At the same time, among those who used French fries, the probability of hypertension increased by 17%.
At the same time, the researchers did not prove a causal relationship, only a pattern. “We cannot conclude that potatoes cause high blood pressure, and we cannot explain the cause of the results seen in the study,” said Victoria Taylor, senior nutritionist at the British Heart Foundation.
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