Preparation for Easter: what products should be put in the Easter basket

Not all products can be consecrated for the holiday.

What should be put in the Easter basket

The following products can be consecrated on Easter:

  • Wine is a symbol of the Savior's blood, which He shed for human sins. It is allowed to consecrate “Kahor”.
  • Bread represents community and unity. That is why Easter eggs are put in the basket on the holiday.
  • Krashanka and Easter eggs are a symbol of life and resurrection. Some eggs must be dyed red, which symbolizes the blood of Christ.
  • Greens (dill, parsley, green onions) – symbolize the renewal of nature.
  • Cheese is a symbol of abundance.
  • Horse horseradish symbolizes strength of spirit.
  • Sweets – you can put candies, honey gingerbread, marmalade or chocolate eggs in the basket.
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Also on Easter, you can put a towel, church candles and willow twigs in the basket.

What is forbidden to put in the Easter basket

Some products and objects cannot put in the Easter basket and consecrate. These include:

  • Alcohol (beer, vodka, cognac)
  • Blood sausage
  • Material values ​​(money, jewelry)
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  • Keys
  • Scissors
  • Knives

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Author: alex

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