Prevention of cancer and other diseases: the benefits of popular tea are named

Tea is a refreshing drink that brings many health benefits. It is considered the key to youth and longevity. The practice of drinking tea is intertwined with many traditions and customs.

Three main types of tea are known: green, black and oolong. Moreover, green tea, which contains many useful microelements, has the most beneficial effect on human health, experts are convinced.

It is clarified that the health effect of green tea is mainly explained by its content of polyphenols. In general, these are biologically active natural compounds that have useful potential for humans. There are many of them in growing tea, but some of the phenols are lost after processing. The share of polyphenols in tea leaves can reach 35%. Thus, green tea polyphenols can protect against Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases, experts say.

Moreover, green tea consumption is also useful for the prevention of many types of cancer, the journal emphasizes:

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  • lung cancer;
  • kidney cancer;
  • stomach cancer;
  • breast cancer;
  • small intestine cancer.
  • Green tea has also been shown to strengthen the body's defenses against heart disease. Heart disease – conditions in which blood vessels become narrowed or blocked – is the leading cause of death worldwide. According to the review, tea reduces the risk of heart disease mainly by lowering high blood pressure. Some animal studies also suggest that green tea can protect against the development of coronary heart disease by reducing blood glucose levels and body weight.

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    Author: alex

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