Products for the protection of the intestines are named

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Today, many scientists agree that the main organ of longevity is the intestine. It is he who is responsible for the proper functioning of many body systems and his ability to resist diseases. According to experts, the intestinal microbiome contains on average up to 1,000 different types of bacteria, each of which performs a specific function.

A recent study found that eating too much meat may increase the risk of developing colon cancer, even among young adults. However, the inclusion of some products in the daily diet will help protect against a dangerous disease.

In particular, according to scientific work conducted by researchers from Europe and the United States, two products can act as preventive measures. To understand the relationship between diet and people's risk of developing or dying from 11 types of cancer, including colorectal, oral, esophageal, lung, and liver, scientists analyzed 860 previous studies.

It was found that alcohol consumption was strongly associated with the development of most types of cancer, while red meat increased the risk of malignant bowel tumors.

When it came to reducing the risk of colorectal cancer, scientists found an inverse relationship when using dairy and whole grain products. In other words, the more people ate them, the less likely they were to develop it. In particular, consumption of approximately 400 g of dairy products per day (of which 200 g, for example, is milk) and 100 g of whole grain products was associated with a lower risk of bowel cancer.

In addition, it was found , that consumption of fruits and vegetables reduced the risk of pharyngeal cancer, and fruit, vitamin C, and folic acid reduced the risk of lung cancer. At the same time, coffee reduced the risk of liver tumors and basal cell carcinoma.

It was previously reported that a substance called pectin, the amount of which decreases as the banana ripens, also has a positive effect on the intestines. According to a study published in the journal Anticancer Research, pectin may help protect against colon cancer.

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Author: alex

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